Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's Time

Expect the new guide to be up by Monday.

Also don't forget that it's in 720 so go full screen for the best details.

----CP Out----

Friday, May 29, 2009


The guide would be out by now if it weren't for the fact that my PC is being a little bitch. Somehow the footage that I captured has corrupt segments in it. Of course I don't see how, only After Effects sees the corruptions and my media players don't have a single problem with the files. I've been running into very large problems when I try to check how the edits look when played back. As a result it may take another week to work past these problems.

Don't worry though I'm TRYING to get through the issues, but I have no clue how long it will take me to solve them. Just keep in there I'm coming with additional content.

----CP Out----

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Around 20% done with the final phase of production.

----CP Out----

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Forging on

Ok, so I've moved into the editing phase which is the last part of the process (if you disregard publishing). I'll have my next guide out in a relatively short amount of time. If anyone is even reading this, like always the subject matter will be a surprise.

The only other thing to mention is that I have no clue how long editing will take. It's typically a short process but the FRAPS codec doesn't agree with After Effects to much. Based on how much the two things get along I can edit a guide in no time or it can take forever. The primary reason for this is that when AE doesn't' want to work with the FRAPS codec the program constantly crashes.

----CP Out----

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ok , so I've finished phase one for the guide and I'm moving onto phase two. I just need to do some more cross checking and error work on the script. After that I can do the Narration recording and I've already done 90% of the video capture. This stuff will be out in no time.

----CP Out----

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Don't worry I'm still at work. The new guide is coming along swimmingly.

Visage Logo

----Cp Out----

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


figures I have run into a VERY large problem with the guide so I've had to shelve it for now. That being the case I'm going to move onto a different guide for now. I may be able to finish what I've started later but I don't know if I'll be able to salvage it or not.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Progress is being made. I've come to the editing stage and Unless I run into a VERY large obstacle I should have a new vid out within two weeks if not sooner. Right now I'm struggling with a lack of drive space. I've nearly exhausted my 500gb drive, I'm down to a minimal 8gbs left. As it stands that's the only real problem, but I haven't done any typical data maintenance since I built my PC a year ago anyway, so it shouldn't be any real issue to solve.

The goods are coming and I'm still working on other ideas too so don't get down there's more stuff on it's way as well.

----CP Out----