Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dead In The Water

All of my projects are on hold indefinitely.

The reason is that just earlier today my video card committed suicide. Without that six hundred dollar visual processing house my entire system is useless. I don't know when I'll be able to replace the old card, but if my tax return is large enough I'll be able to use that. Because of this I have some three weeks of work ahead of me to do research over video cards. I HAVE to be certain of know what chipset to get for my unique situation (game + editor).

Sorry but seeing as how I'm already headed for a busy month and a half, and with a broken video card added to the mix, I don't think I'll be publishing another guide till mid May. I can hope I'm wrong, but I'm giving fair warning.

Thank god I have my Mac to fall back on. At least I can squeeze by with the bare minimum.

----CP Out----

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey CP love your guides and I constantly keep checking up on your Blog and Youtube channel. Appreciate your work and hope that you get back into the action.