Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I'm going to do my best to get a new guide out by this Monday, but first I have to deal with someone who plagiarised my recent fallout insight video. This kid stripped the video of my Logos and copywrite notice, in turn implying that it was HIS original work. When I confronted him about it he said and I quote:

"fuck you man i was beaning nice and telling you that i have cuoyed your work but you say you cant have well fuck you i am keeping it tell youtube or the police i dont kear"

Seeing as how he will not listen to me, I now have to write up a six point legal claim, and submit it to youtube in order to have the video removed.

Now on the subject of re-posts and where I stand. The way I see it I don't care if anyone re-uploads my videos to other sharing sites. So long as the video is EXACTLY the same as what I originally put up. That means it wasn't edited, stripped of intro, credits, or logos. If the video is 100% the same when re-uploaded I'm still getting credit and you KNOW that MY websites are associated with the video.

Finally all of that being said, I DO NOT smile upon re-posts of my videos. I just know that re-posts are unavoidable.

The offending video was removed, I'm now focusing all of my interest on the production of the next guide.

----CP Out----

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