Thursday, May 20, 2010

Up and Running

Well my computer is repaired, and has been working for around two weeks now. I'm trying to put out a new guide by the end of may, but I don't know if I'll make the deadline. The main reason being that since I'm a big gamer, and there are a LOT of blockbuster titles coming out this month, I am currently finding it hard to motivate myself to put down my console controller. It would be a lot easier if making the guides wasn't such a large task, but that's just how it is.

Anyway as it currently stands this is the current state of the production list.

Scripting: Done
Narration: Not Started
Resources: Working
Footage Cap: Not Started
Effects: Working
Editing: Not Started

Hopefully that list will fill out in recent time, but I make no promises.

----CP Out----

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey CP keep at it, glad to hear. Anyway glad to see you'r new post!