Saturday, July 3, 2010

Busted Mic

I just seem to be plagued with problems this summer. First I have to replace a video card, then a Hard Drive, and now right in the middle of Recoding narration for the next guide my microphone stops working.

Maybe it's divine retribution, maybe bad luck, or perhaps karma. Regardless, as of right now I've got no real way of recording my script. Worst part is I was planning on getting the next guide out by this Monday.
I won't stop working, as I can still do the video cap, and some editing since I got half way through the script. But I may be delayed for some time since I'm in a bit of a financial pinch.

hope nothing else goes wrong.

----CP Out----

July, 5

managed to scav a backup mic, and I used it to Finnish recording. The audio will sound a bit different half way through the guide though.

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