Well I've got some troublesome times ahead of me, so my guide work will inevitably be slowed down as a result. Hopefully it won't cause too much trouble though. Of course I can only do just that, hope.
Finished it last night, and in my ongoing effort to encourage people to check out this blog; I'm posting it here days before the public youtube release.
Hope you enjoy it.
Also scripting is done for my next guide, and I'm currently in the process of voice recording. I have a lot going on the weekend though, so I don't know if I'll make much progress with it.
No worries on the second half of the bobblehead guide, it's production is well under way and I'll have it up soon. What I'm posting about now is how I've reached 90% completion on my next script (remember I said I had scripts laying around?) If luck will allow I'll be getting into actually getting it together by the end of this week.
Here's the first half of my two part bobblehead guide for Fallout 3. I hope you Like it, and don't worry I'm already well into the next half of the guide. You can expect part two by next week and no latter.
Also I just want to take this moment to mention something important. I've made the decision that once Fallout New Vegas is released, I will stop doing Fallout 3 videos entirely. The reason is because FO3 will essentially be outdated when FO:NV come out.
Right now I'm going to bed (I need to quit these crazy hours). Anyway, the next guide is nearly finished. Just need to do the final edit, and place some finishing touches.
I'll have it up no latter than Monday.
On a totally unrelated note I encourage everyone to check out my other blog. b10g.net
I was Hoping to get the next guide out by Monday, but I have unexpectedly gotten sick. I've spent a lot of time bedridden, so instead of doing a proper amount of work this weekend, I've barely finished capturing video. This means no new guide on Monday, but I will have it out by next week.
Following what i usually do I'm posting this on the blog early to encourage people to read and COMMENT here.
Anyway the following video is a montage that I put together for the purpose of the next couple of guides I'll be releasing. It is literally the intros all in one video, kinda like a long intro without the guide if you will. Enjoy!
Fallout 3 "Visage" Montage
FYI: This video is the reason why a new guide didn't immediately follow the Vampire Cure Guide.