Friday, November 19, 2010

More than 1400 keystrokes.

Don't know if I'll be able get out the first guide by this weekend like I hoped. I've been writing the preliminary draft, I'm already up to some 1400 words, and I'm not done. Character creations is the messiest subject to cover, there's just so much that needs to be said. Cramming it all into a guide and making it look neat take a lot of work, and skill. I hope all of you understand this first guide is taking some real work to get out. I also hope every one knows how to be patient, because even though I'm trying to be timely this isn't easy, and I can't rush myself.

Well back to work.
----CP Out----

1 comment:

UbeRamza said...

Even though I wish your guide was complete, its well worth the wait and I can't wait till your finished. Your guides for the Fallout games are the best on the web. Keep up the great work and Thank you.