Monday, October 24, 2011

Ayleid Statues Guide

With this I officially close the book on Oblivion. It was a fun game, but it's time to stop making guides for it, and start looking forward to Skyrim. It's been a good run though, of all the games I own Oblivion has be the most played hands down.

----CP Out----


Anonymous said...

Will you make Skyrim videos soon?
Want to see you making guides and other stuffs, they are good :)
I may know more stuffs becous of the big land with lots of quests and secret I havnt found yet you know!

UbeRamza said...

I've been checking in a couple times a week to see if you have any Skyrim guides yet. I've been wondering why you haven't posted anything but I can't really blame you, I can't stop playing the game long enough to do anything else either. It has to be one of the best RPG's I have ever played and I can't get enough of it and I know how much you love The Elder Scrolls games so I know you must be in heaven right now. Anyway, enjoy the game and make a guide when you get the chance. I'll keep checking in.