Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Great Return

Well I'm pleased to say that as of today I have been able to get back to work on another project. Around three weeks ago (ever since I published my last video) I've been stuck fulfilling obligations and sorting out personal issues. I'm happy to say that I'm totally through everything and I shouldn't have anything else pop up to deter my work. I'm still in the midst of figuring out which of my scripts I'll use for my next guide though.
As it stands I have several rough scripts that need cross referencing and error checking. So It's not like I'm short on possible candidates for my next guide. Its just picking which one should have priority that's difficult. After that it's the normal process of perfecting the script. Then the true process begins voice recording, video capture, editing, and finally publishing.
Also just so you know putting the guides together isn't that hard what takes me so long is trying my best to prevent errors in the script. I hate doling out erroneous advice.

----CP Out----

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