Monday, July 27, 2009


So those of you who watch my guides should know that I focus on two games. Oblivion and Fallout, the latter being what got me started doing videos to at all. Well My first guide ever published that got the ball rolling was my Oblivion Vampire guide. It's still my most watched video today and also the most copied.

One of the things that came to my attention for some odd reason long ago. was how after I published my guide I found one or two blatant low end copies of it. Today there are several vampire videos that HAVE to be somehow spawned off of my original. The things that say this are as follows; First they were all published after my guide. Second every one says to go to the barren cave even though there are MANY other vampire dens in more convenient locations. Finally even though not all of them go so far, there are several that detail the same methods of finding out how you contracted the disease, where to go afterwards, and that you don't have to kill vampires to be infected.

Hell there's even one that spawned off of the most evident copy of my video.

I'm just simply find it amusing that a guide from me a total nobody has spawned knock-offs. I just never thought it possible.

----CP Out----

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