Sunday, July 26, 2009


Ok so just an update. I've made little progress over the last two weeks because of my job. I haven't had the energy to stay concentrated so I've been avoiding working on any guides till I can focus.

On the flip side though I have been spending some time attempting to build a weapon guide. I'm really talking about stuff that you can grab at the beginning of the game. It's difficult though; Finding weapons that aren't generic models at the game's start is in no way easy. I've got a few ideas though so the possibility isn't lost. Only reason I'm really even trying to start a guide like this is because SO many people keep requesting it. I guess my equipment guide for Oblivion whet a lot of peoples apatites. So it stands to reason you would want a weapon guide for FO3 right?

Anyway I'm a busy guy with a life so bear with me since I dont' release guides that often.

----CP Out----

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